Return to your first love!
In Rome, in 2017 a group of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart from all over the world met with Pope Francis who captured the essence of our Founder’s charism and what we as Missionaries of the Sacred Heart are truly all about in the following words.
Return to your first and only love. Keep your gaze fixed on Jesus Christ. and learn from him how to love with a truly human heart…to work for justice and show solidarity with the weak and the poor. Show by your lives and by your works the passionate and tender love of God for the little ones,

Bible Study South Africa
the underprivileged, the vulnerable, and those whom the world has disregarded. May your common life be marked by true fraternity, which welcomes diversity and values the gifts of all. Do not hesitate to continue and expand your communion with those who participate in your apostolate. Let them share in your ideals and projects, and in the rich spirituality arising from your founder’s charism. Pope Francis 2017.
Welcome to the newly updated Vocations section of our website. We are calling this space Life in Mission. Here we will share in more depth who we are, our way of life, and our spirituality.
We have added further information on our MSC spirituality under the title Heart Spirituality. As well as pages on formation, discerning your call in life, and quotes from the Founder. ‘Let your life speak,’ provides a reflection on who we are and our charism. Our new vocations team hope you will find these pages helpful.

MSC Community, Venezuela
There are many ways you can participate in our life and mission. It could be as a brother, a priest, or a member of our extended Chevalier Family, or as a volunteer working in one of our overseas missions. Perhaps these pages will inspire you to consider whether God is calling you to dedicate your life as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart. If you are discerning a call to religious life you can contact our Vocations Team who would be very happy to support you as you discern this call.
Con O’Connell MSC
Vocations Team (Ireland and the UK)