facebook MSC Vocations celebrates faith at the Brightlights Festival, England

SimpsonsA Catholic youth festival! In England! Surely such a thing is a contradiction in terms. It’ll probably be dull. There’ll be Mass on all day. Who’d want to go? It’s a pretty typical response from some people when they hear about the Brightlights Youth Festival – long, boring and preachy. In fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Now I know I have a vested interest in the Festival. The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart vocations team have been involved with Brightlights for the past five years and we’ve loved every minute of it. It’s a weekend of fantastic bands from England and all around the world. Last year we were joined once again by the fantastic MOBO nominated Jahaziel.

[youtube /CUZ9bhHqlq4 nolink]

brightlights2011festival01There’s a lot more though. Each year there are a number of inspirational speakers talking about the issues that are relevant to young people today. It’s not about talking down, but sharing with. There’s drama, barbecues, Reconciliation, the bar, and yes, even Mass, but not like you’ve ever experienced before. In addition there are workshops on hip hop, faith, dance, drama, and a whole lot more.

top copyThis year from the 26th to the 29th of July they are expecting a massive 1,500 young people to travel from Ireland, Wales and England to take part in the World Youth Day at home experience. Fr. Con and Fr. Sham are going to be there from the MSC vocations team and we’ll also be on Skype all the way from Brazil where me and ten young people will join 3,000,000 others to greet Pope Francis.

A picture, they say, says more than a thousand words. Here are a few from previous Brightlights Festivals. If you want to know more or book your place just go to the Brightlights Youth Festival Website.






Preachy, boring and dull are the last words that spring to mind!