facebook Celtic Volunteer in South Africa with MSC Vocations

Kevin, Karen, Joanie, Sr. Helen and the kids hanging outKevin Murphy is an electrician from Scotland. He arrived in the Holy Family Centre at the beginning of July. In addition to teaching the older teenagers about basic construction skills Kevin will introduce the kids to the wonder of Celtic FC! He’ll also be running football games, organising crafts afternoons, taking part in days out and fixing broken lights. With over seventy children in Holy Family a handyman is always in demand!


Kevin writes …


My time with the MSCs and in the Holy Family Centre has been an amazing experience so far. The training weekends in the MSC house in Western Road were fantastic and very well organised. Myself and the other volunteers were welcomed with great hospitality and a lot of humour. Both training weekends took in all the rules and regulations, but also had great fun coming up with children’s games, activities and group building exercises for the volunteers to get to know each other.

Kevin on Maintenance DutyI have been here in the Holy Family Centre for a week now and have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far, working with the other volunteers and the sisters and other staff members. There was such warm welcome from everyone. Working with the kids has been absolutely outstanding. They’re so full of life and energy they keep you on your toes and the kids are great at helping in any way they can. The feeling when you see the kids laugh and smile, you can’t put a price on it. It’s just the greatest feeling in the world.


A few new arrivals came to us and the oldest girl was so quiet and timid. However after a day or so you could see her settle in and she was completely transformed, joining in with the other kids and basically having a great childhood.  Being a part of that experience has been wonderful. Knowing that you are making some positive difference in their life, even if it is just helping them enjoy their childhood and to help them be kids is just so rewarding.

IMG_0154The surroundings here at Holy Family are just breathtaking, with the Drakensburg mountains, the mango trees and various other plants. It’s such a stunning country and surroundings. With this experience you get to see the real South Africa and the real way of life. We also get the odd trip with the kids to petting zoos and other activities. We also get to have our own days out during our time off, which is also brilliant as we can enjoy everything here and soak up our own little adventures.